Further Reading
- A diving gannet - in the water
- A remote controlled car
- Cart on a ramp
- Comfort with forces
- Compressing a tibia
- Crawling amoebas
- Drawing consistent graphs
- Dynamics dimensionalities
- Force on a woodpecker
- Forces in a car
- Forces on a gecko
- Forces on a swimming paramecium (MC)
- Hitting a bowling ball
- Kicking a car
- Molly on the skateboard
- Moving a cellular cargo
- Nathan's train
- Pushing a block on a block: 1 - Qualitative
- Pushing a block on a block: 2 - Symbolic
- Pushing a block on a block: 3 - Quantitative
- Pushing a block on a block: Overview
- Pushing a box
- Pushing a box - the details
- Pushing a carriage
- Pushing two boxes
- Son of the ball and the juggler
- Space Jam
- Splitting the concept of force
- The book and the wall
- The conditions for Newton 3
- The farmer and the donkey
- The sliding pizza
- The stooping hawk
- Toy models and Newton's Laws
- Trap-jaw ants
- Why bother with Newton 1
Problems - Newton's Laws
Problems arranged by physics topic
Physical content of Newton's Laws
- A diving gannet - in the water
- A remote controlled car
- Comfort with forces
- Drawing consistent graphs
- Forces in a car
- Forces on a swimming paramecium
- Force on a woodpecker
- Hitting a bowling ball
- Kicking a car
- Moving a cellular cargo
- Pushing a block on a block: Overview
- Pushing a box
- Pushing two boxes
- Pushing a carriage
- Splitting the concept of force
- Son of the ball and the juggler
- The conditions for Newton 3
- The farmer and the donkey
- The sliding pizza
- The stooping hawk
- Toy models and Newton's Laws
- Trap-jaw ants
System schemas and free-body diagrams
- Compressing a tibia
- Crawling amoebas
- Forces in a car
- Forces on a gecko
- Molly on the skateboard
- Nathan's train
- Pushing a box
- Pushing two boxes
- Pushing a box - the details
- Son of the ball and the juggler
- The book and the wall
- The farmer and the donkey
- The spring of DNA -- FBD
Special category problems
Dimensional analysis and functional dependence
- Dynamics dimensionalities
- Finding a mistake using dimensional analysis
- Propelling a paramecium: 2 -- Estimations
Reading the physics in a graph
- A diving gannet - in the water
- A remote controlled car
- Drawing consistent graphs
- Force on a woodpecker
- Hitting a bowling ball
- Nathan's train
- Pushing a box
- Pushing a box - the details
- Pushing a carriage
Reading the physics in an equation
Essay questions
- Comfort with forces
- Splitting the concept of force
- The conditions for Newton 3
- Toy models and Newton's Laws
- Why bother with Newton 1
Problem triples
Extended problems (recitation, discussion, or long homework)
Video problems (not yet available)
These problems require taking data from videos.
They are being rewritten to use the ComPADRE/PICUP video tool.
Article 525
Last Modified: May 18, 2021
Last Modified: May 18, 2021